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Youth Ministry

​God has charged us with the awesome responsibility of equipping our youth for Kingdom Work! Resources, zeal and knowledge aid our local youth leaders in accomplishing this dynamic task. Teens as well as young adults will engage in group discussions and participate in a wide array of activities. If you are a youth or just young at heart, come on, experience the charge!!

Children Ministry

Ready! Get Set! Let's Grow! We are excited about the ministry God has birth in us for our children. Here at Redemption, children are a precious commodity. All of our children activities are developed with the goal of building disciples for Christ. Whether it's a song, a story, or playtime, the principles of God's kingdom are instilled in our children. Little hands are busy hands. We teach them to be busy for Christ!

Kids in Church
Volunteering with Childrenjpg

Missionary/Outreach Ministries

This soul-winning ministry is committed to spreading the Gospel and showing the love of God outside of the four walls of our church, including: visiting the sick and shut-in at their homes, the hospital, and nursing homes; evangelizing on the streets of downtown Charlotte; and hosting cookouts at an under-privileged community.This ministry also oversees our Food Bank, Feed My Sheep, and Clothing ministries to help better serve our community.

Men's Ministries

Men of all ages are encouraged to become an active part of this dynamic ministry. The men's fellowship encompasses our local congregation as well as other church organizations. Godly teaching on leadership and family focus is emphasized. Men enjoy yearly conferences, and many other group activities that are geared to build the whole man and prepares him to take his ordained place in the house of God. 

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