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The Church of God of Prophecy is a vibrant, worldwide body of believers, united in worship, working hand-in-hand to share God’s love and a message of hope to the broken-hearted. The Church of God of Prophecy has over one-and-a-half million members, worshiping in over 10,000 churches or missions in 130 nations of the world. Nearly 90% of our global membership is outside of North America.


The Redemption Worship Center, COGOP church is dedicated to glorifying God with all our being by acknowledging Him as the Sovereign of all creation, allowing the full manifestation of spiritual gifts in our lives, practicing fervent, Spirit-led corporate worship, and modeling personal worship through sacrificial living.


We rejoice in the fact that God has allowed our paths to cross today. We believe that your visit to our site was not by chance. God has specifically ordered your steps, and we pray that God's perfect will be established. Recognizing that we are a people diverse in ethnicity, but having a commonality of being one creative blood through Jesus Christ, our goal is to take the gospel of His Kingdom to every city, town and community. To promote church planting where as to provide a gathering place for the multitude of restless and confused people across this land; to equip and train ministry to be more effective in the harvest and to promote unity in the Body of Christ and encourage team effort among all Christians.

The harvest opportunities of sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ have never been greater. God in His own way has brought the world’s mission field to our door. We are a church that welcomes one and all to join us in fellowship and share witness of the awesome power and marvelous works of God.



To develop emotionally and spiritually healthy followers of Jesus 

To become a church community that produces mature and healthy disciples who, in turn disciples others.


From its beginnings, the Church of God of Prophecy has based its beliefs on "the whole Bible rightly divided." We accept the Bible as God’s Holy Word, inspired, inerrant, and infallible. We believe the Bible to be God’s written revelation of Himself to mankind and our guide in all matters of faith; therefore, we look to the Bible as our highest authority for doctrine, practice, organization, and discipline.


The Church of God of Prophecy is firm in its commitment to orthodox Christian belief. We affirm that there is one God eternally existing in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We believe in the deity of Christ, His virgin birth, His sinless life, the physical miracles He performed, His atoning death upon the Cross, His bodily resurrection, His ascension to the right hand of the Father, and His personal return in power and glory at His second coming.We profess that regeneration by the Holy Spirit is essential for the salvation of sinful mankind.We believe the sinner is brought to an awareness of the need for salvation through the convicting work of the Holy Spirit.


We believe that in sanctification by the blood of Christ, one is made holy. We affirm the present, active ministry of the Holy Spirit who guides the Church and by whose indwelling and empowerment we are able to live godly lives and render effective service to God and others. We believe in the oneness and ultimate unity of believers for which our Lord prayed, and that this should be visibly displayed "that the world may know, see, and believe" God’s glory, the coming of His Son, and the great love He has for His people (John 17:20–23). We are committed to the sanctity of the marriage bond and the importance of strong, loving Christian families.

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